If you’re tired of cluttered, unorganized and hard to access counters, then look no further than Simmer Down Kitchen Counter Set. Feel free to post photos of/talk about your treats once you get them, they’re not a huge secret ✨Īaaaand I think that’s it! If you have any other questions, let me know 🎃.I may change my mind about this in the future, but that’s the plan for now! All of my gifts this year are ephemeral - once simblreen ends, they will no longer be shared.My porch light will stay on all weekend and you have plenty of time to find everything before it disappears on Sunday evening! I’ll be out of town, so if there’s something you can’t find, send me an ask and I’ll send you a direct link to whatever you’re missing when I get home.
Once that happens, you’ll be able to start hunting down all of the treats that I’ve hidden throughout my blog (I’ll confirm how many hidden treats there are when my porch light comes on). On October 29th, around 10AM EST, I’ll make a post indicating that my porch light is on. I know that I’m a bit late to the party, but since I do plan on participating this year, I wanted to share some info on how to get your treats! So here’s the rundown: